CHILDREN’S CLASSES (5-8 yrs old)

Our children’s classes are filled with  a high and dynamic energy. They include many different challenging and exciting lessons in Tae Kwon Do, teamwork, friendship and living healthy lifestyle.  As part of class we continually emphasizes the importance of respect, discipline, honesty, and perseverance. As the students develop their skills in Tae Kwon Do they will begin to gain more confidence in all areas of their lives so they can achieve any goals they set out for themselves.  There is also strong emphasis on how well students do at both school and home.  It is important that the students follow the Home rules for Children, such as keeping their room clean, being kind to their brothers & sisters, and finishing their homework.  All of these things help play a role in the child’s development in the martial arts.



Benefits for Children

  • -Martial Arts skills & Self-Defense
  • -Self-Discipline & Self-Control                                                            
  • -Confidence & Respect
  • -Improved Concentration & Focus
  • -Kindness and Respect for others
  • -Balance & Coordination
  • -Your child will gain individual skills as well as learning to work together as a team all while having fun!